Elizabeth Elliot – “Purity, I fear has gotten mixed up in people’s minds with the caricature of Puritanism, which, in the popular imagination, is a dour, brittle revolt against all the pleasures of the flesh. Purity means freedom from contamination, from anything that would spoil the taste or the pleasure, reduce the power, or in any way adulterate what the thing was meant to be. It means cleanness, clearness – no additives, nothing artificial – in other words, “all natural,” in the sense in which the original Designer designed it to be.”
Leslie Ludy – “True purity is much more than a Christian “rule” to endure. True purity is so much more than the noble descision to “wait” for our future spouse. True purity is complete set-apartness for our Heavenly Prince. True purity comes only when we fall into the loving arms of our Prince, surrender ourselves fully to Him, and allow Him to tenderly shape us into His lilly-white likeness.”