Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer has begun!

Although classes ended almost a month ago now, it just now feels like summer is beginning. Kids are out of school... the pool is open... and its actually possible to get overheated. The joys of summertime...mine has been long awaited since I "missed" it last year in South America.

A few weeks ago, we went as a family to Washington, D.C. Unknowingly, we went in the middle of May when all the eighth grade trips were ALSO going to Washington. We had a good time despite the swarms of middle schoolers and the excitement of getting lost everyday! Here are just a few pictures of the trip.
This is the tomb of the unknown soldier...which is pretty cool just to watch. The little boy is the picture with Philip is a family friend of mine that I met in Argentina. We met their family at the zoo on our last day. The picture was too cute!

1 comment:

Amy Donell Molina said...

hey... sounds like DC was fun! DC is really exciting and it's so cool that you all got to go when you could really appreciate all the history!.... i know it's lots of walking... and getting lost is an obvious part of being in a big city... but that's SO cool.. I'd love to go back...there is just SO much to see!... anyways... ENJOY YOUR SUMMER!!!!!!!