Monday, June 11, 2007

Church Asado

Last night, we had a group of about 40 people over after church for an asado. This is where they buy all different cuts of meat and grill it for about three hours. The general rule of thumb is to buy about 1 kilo of meat per person! On top of that people brought all sorts of dishes to go with the meat. It was incredible! Here is all the meat before it was cooked...
The meat on the grill when it was almost ready!

Great fellowship. Apparently this was the first time that a group like this has gotten together spontaneously after church. We had a sweet time and fellowshipped until about 2:00am! It was all worth it.


melandaaron said...

these are great pics, thanks for keeping us updated! I know you are going to have a wonderful experience to take with you, so glad you are serving!

BabySis said...

Hey Kristen,
I'm at Mimi and Papa's in NC with Aunt K and the little cousins. Save some of the meat in Argentina for us:) Always love the blog!! Tell Amy I'm getting to her "stuff" when I get back to G'ville on Sat. Love to all the D's.
Aunt Ellen

BabySis said...

Papa is here and says "hi" and is enjoying your pics and messages